Friday, May 31, 2013

in the final stages

I had a chest x-ray the other day to confirm that I had indeed coughed up one of my lungs. It's curious, but they are both still there.

Anyhoo, the needle book pattern is finished and is now in the hands of my lovely, generous and good-looking pattern testers. Thank you, ladies! After giving the pattern a test run and any needed tweaks, I'm shooting to have it in the shop by mid-June.

Testing is always a great idea with new patterns, even though I've made so many on my own I feel I can do it with my eyes closed. Translating what you know into clear instructions for others to follow is a whole other ball game. There's an intriguing article on the importance of pattern testing over here at While She Naps, especially as relates to the craft book publishing game. I really appreciate the the matter of fact articles Abby writes on issues that effect professional makers, and all the relevant comments and discussion that they draw. I know from experience that errors are not always caught before press time, despite the efforts of the editors. Actually, most craft books have a web page that lists errata. It's always a great idea to check before you start a book project. That's what makes the PDF format so appealing to me - if I do happen to notice a mistake or omission it is an easy matter to amend the file and get it out there.


  1. Thanks for the link to that post at While She Naps, Larissa. Super-interesting and important stuff. Something I definitely need to improve upon...

    1. Michele, I love how Abby is unafraid to discuss even the negative aspects of designing, blogging and publishing in her always-informative and even handed way. It's so refreshing.

  2. Glad to hear those lungs are still there! Hopefully the coughing has calmed down by now. Way to go on persisting through the pattern-writing despite it all!

    1. Still coughing, unfortunately. It might go on for a while, but I feel better at least. That's something! Thanks, Grandma G!

  3. Thank you so much for the kind words about my blog posts. It means so much to me to know that my writing is helpful to you! Thank you.

    1. Abby! Back atcha. I love what you do, both your pattern designs and your informative blog series', that are unlike anything else out there that I've seen. I've benefited from them many times, so it is I who thank you.

  4. Larissa~
    Sign me up for your pattern. I love your designs and style. You are such an artist and your blog is so interesting and informative.

    Hope you get to feeling better soon. Coughing like you do has got to wear you out!

    1. Carlin, how kind, thank you! I'm definitely ready to stop coughing. Ha!

  5. These are so so so pretty. Best wishes, Carina

  6. Im so exited, will you be making up packs of felt too? I will definitely be in the que for this!

    1. Thank you, Dana, no plans to sell packs of felt, but the pattern will be ready soon.

  7. I'm so far behind on blog reading this, I'm just seeing this. So sorry you weren't feeling well. Sounds like we have the same thing, because I'm coughing up a lung right now....

    1. Poor Mama Pea! I do hope you are feeling better soon. I'm slowly getting there.


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