Wednesday, May 11, 2016

hand stitched flora card

Card for my momma. It probably looks familiar because it's basically my Flora Needle Book cover pattern that I enlarged to 4 x 4.75 inches. It's made from wool felt and embroidery floss on card stock, with a flower in the place of the button that's usually on the needle book.

Closeup of the stitching. I pre-punched my holes with the needle. You kind of have to do that with paper. I punched them through the felt and paper from the top, then proceeded to embroider with a back stitch like usual. The key is to use BIG stitches.

In progress shot of the other card I made for my MIL. I didn't get a final photo of that one! Too last minute. That one had a few beads and sequins too. The process is pretty time consuming for a card, but it turns your card into a little work of art that is pretty gift on its own.


  1. Really sweet! Have you tried appliquéing onto fabric first and then stitching the fabric to card stock?

    1. Hey, Maggie, I wanted the background to be paper in this instance but you totally could do it that way. You'd have to back it with something cushy before mounting it on card stock because the knots in the back tend to make it look bumpy when mounted on paper.

  2. Really beautiful, Larry. Frame-worthy, for sure!


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