I’m busy busy working on the next pattern in the 'Twas the Night series, and I’m excited to show you once I have anything photo worthy. Not yet, though! It's in the very preliminary stages.
I hope you guys are keeping well? We are passing around the usual winter assortment of viruses and colds. My poor Thing 1 got out of Covid jail at college over the weekend. It snuck right past her vax and whacked her with a headache, body aches, fatigue, and head cold. She's feeling much better now, but says she noticed she can't taste spicy things. Everything else, yes. Spicy stuff, no. That's just bizarre. Sigh. Errbody taking a turn with the new variant, looks like!
Back to sewing! Y'all stay cozy. Except for my Australian friends – y'all stay cool. :-)
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