Monday, August 28, 2023

time for Christmas crafting!

Christmas is coming! Do you have your fall crafting planned? May I suggest a nice coffee, a good movie, and a handsewn woolfelt ornament project? They make lovely gifts and are always treasured heirlooms brought out each year.

I have beginner friendly and intermediate PDF pattern downloads in my Etsy shop! All with detailed, step by step instructions:

SHOWN ABOVE: Intermediate level 'Twas The Night ornament patterns:
1 - Santa Claus
2 - Mrs Claus
3 - Little Elves
4 - All Through The House

Sewn with my curated @benziedesign felt palettes: Classic and Retro. Detailed color guides:


  1. Thanks for providing such a great resource

  2. j'aime beaucoup ce que vous faites
    merci pour cette soirce d'inspiration
    comment s'abonner a votre blog?

    1. Hey there! My website is being redesigned and a newsletter sign up will be available after that. Probably within a month or so. :-)


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