Thursday, July 1, 2010

3D Frog, the shop, and a little giveaway

Thanks so much! Comments are closed for the giveaway!

The Frog In The Woods pattern PDF is done and in the shop! Yay! Go to the shop entry to get the details.

It makes a nice companion piece to the freebie Owl art tutorial, I think. Note: Unlike the owl, this new frog paper cut tutorial is not written or designed for kids. It is for crafty adults!

To celebrate finishing the tutorial (finally) and my country's birthday all at the same time, I'd like to have a little quickie giveaway over the weekend. Just leave me one comment to enter. Come Monday I'll give away two Frog In The Woods patterns to two commenters!

*Also, as a wee favor, if you subscribe to this blog via Google reader, let me know that in your comment. My feedburner count is constantly missing the Google reader subscribers and I'd like to know if you are, in fact, getting the feed. Thanks ahead of time!

*No more info needed! Mission accomplished. Almost all the comments so far are from GR and apparently it works just fine, despite appearances in feedburner. Thanks!


  1. What a cute Paper tutorial! I am also a Google Reader subscriber. I love your blog!

  2. Love it! I'm a google reader subscriber and they come through fine.

  3. I get your feed on my blog and it works fine! I really would love to try one of your paper cut projects! Thanks for the chance to win the pattern and Happy 4th of July!!!

  4. Hi there - love this project (and your owl too!)

  5. Love, love, love! I can't wait to try out the froggie! :)

  6. A really nice design. Thanks for the giveaway. I'm on reader and haven't had any problems getting your posts.

  7. I get your posts through Google Reader too. No problems here :)

  8. Mmmmmm.... LOVE IT! My son is obsessed with frogs and we are just thinking about a room redo - green paint, obviously! Thanks for a chance! Also, I subscribe via Google reader and had no trouble today.

  9. I subscribe via google reader. The owl is super cute!

  10. I love these cute paper cut tutorials! You're so crafty!

    *I also subscribe via Google Reader.

  11. Google Reader subscriber here, and your posts come through just fine.

    If I win, I'll find a way to get the needed supplies! ;)

  12. I read you in Google. I love my owls, BTW and would love to make a frog too :)

  13. I've always enjoyed your paper art so I would love to win this giveaway and try making my own.

    I subscribe through the Google reader and haven't had any problems seeing your posts.

  14. Way too cool. I've always wondered how you did the multiple layers (love the little red riding hood one) and was thrilled about the tutorial you posted... can't wait to try it out! The little frog would go awesome in my girls bathroom. Keep 'em coming!

    Also a google reader girl. :)

    Happy 4th of July!

  15. Those are too cute! It's tough some times to find good things that are super cute and good for boys.

  16. I love cut paper art. It was huge when I was in college and one of our final design projects was a cut paper poster. Love your designs!

  17. Your stuff is so amazing. I'm afraid of what it would look like if I attempted it, even with the pattern.

  18. Uh oh....Are you getting me started on a new obsession? Would love to try it!

  19. oh my that is cute!

  20. I love your blog and love the frog in the woods. Kristie

  21. My daughter loves owls and my son loves frogs so these would be so cute in their room. Love them! I'm also a google reader

  22. I would love to win this.
    Fingers crossed,
    Melissa B.

  23. Wow! I'd love to win a Larissa original. Thank you for the chance.

  24. LOVE IT, Larissa!

  25. I would love to win! And I'm a google subscriber and get the feed fine. (Though I have that same problem with feedburner. My count doesn't reflect the google subscribers either. Who knows why. ;)

  26. Ooh . . . I want to win. I love it!! I am a Bloglines subscriber. Not that you asked. ;)

  27. I think this is lovely. I use Google and I get everything fine.

  28. I would love a frog! My room has been decorated with frogs since College! (
    Go Portland Pilots!)

  29. This is totally cute!

    mrunamistry at gmail dot com

  30. both the owl and frog are great...they could go in our nursery for the new baby. poor guy didn't get all the fanfare that comes with new family additions (he's no.3 after all)

  31. I think the frog is just darling. I thought it would look cute in either of my kids' rooms, then I thought... nah, if I win I'm going to make it and put it in the living room :) Sorry kids.

    I follow through Google also.

  32. love that sweet frog! I have a collection of frogs in my scraproom and he would be a perfect addition to my wall!

    I get your feeds through google reader with no problems.

  33. I'm here via FeedDemon and I LOVE that frog - great idea. I hope there's more designs on the way!

  34. If you go into your Google Reader and click on your blog, there is a link to "Show Details" on the right side of the post at the top. It will tell you how many people subscribe to your blog on Reader.

  35. SUPER CUTE!!! I hope I win because my niece LOVES frogs!! She would squeel with joy and light up like a fire cracker! Yes, I am aware of my dork status! :)

  36. Love it! Can't wait to see what other designs you come out with. No pressure. :)

  37. Love your designs and I'm already a follower! Have a nice holiday weekend!

  38. So excited! The owl was so much fun to put together!

  39. You're so talented!! I'm a google reader subscriber and just finished making 4th of July headbands for my girls using your gentler headband tutorial, I posted pictures on my blog. :)

  40. I just love your paper crafts!

  41. I subscribe by Google Reader and have no trouble getting your posts. I actually woke up today and thought, "It's a good day to make a Molly Monkey!"

  42. love it . soooo cute

  43. That is so cute. I should get around to making the owl cutout thing for my daughter's room :).

  44. Fun giveaway. I was told by my ten year old that the owl project was the best art project we had ever done together. And that is some high competition in this house.

  45. These are wonderful! I think they would make great Christmas gifts. Yes, I'm thinking about that and hoping that I'm starting early enough to actually get some handmade gifts completed!

  46. I'm a follower. I think your paper art is so cool and can't wait to give it a go!

  47. I love your paper art (and your totally fun monkeys and kitties) Thanks so much for sharing! and I would so love to win this tutorial - so thanks too for a great give away!
    Have a wonderful weekend : )

  48. You are so talented! I love all the paper patterns - especially the mushrooms and frogs. Thanks for the chance to win. Happy 4th. Colleen

  49. I'm a google reader subscriber (love your blog)....

    and I wanted to tell you how encouraged I was to be reminded of Philippians 4:6-7 when I saw it under your blog header when clicking through to the post to comment. Thank you :)

  50. I love it!
    I subscribe and have had no problems with t

  51. Love these - you are so talented.

  52. Hi,thanks for the giveaway, too cute. Count me in. I am a Google Reader, too, no problems here! Cheers, Heather B.

  53. So cute! They'd be fun gifts for a mom-to-be to hang in the baby's room. Maybe I'll make them ahead of time for my own kids' rooms when we're ready to be parents ... someday ...

    I subscribe via my standard RSS feeder in my Firefox browser. And I LOVE checking for new posts. :)

    -Steph L

  54. Happy 4th of July from Australia! Love your Owl and look forward to trying out the Frog soon. Keep them coming, you work is impressive!
    I receive your blog via google!

  55. What a great looking design you have made here. It definitely would like great as a set. And I have no problems with google reader!

  56. Congratulations Larissa, you've done it again - another gorgeous design :-)

  57. Oh, so beautiful ...

  58. Hi. Love to go in your giveaway hat and I do look in via Reader; it's the best way to keep up with my favourite blogs I think.
