Friday, December 13, 2013

partridges and pears

**This design is now available as a PDF pattern!**

Hey, a photo, look at that. These are some wool felt ornaments I've been making. The design is a reprise of the Partridge & Pear ornaments I made for gifts a while back. I'm pretty happy with this new pattern (unfortunately I lost the original pattern and had to guess based on photos). It's fairly close to the original.

I had pie-in-the-sky hopes to get a PDF pattern out for this before Christmas but that is not to be, thanks to an upgrade to Mavericks which did not go well (slight understatement there) and a hard drive crash. My apologies to those who were waiting! This will be definitely be released next year. And now I've GOT to focus on the stuff I need to make for Christmas ACK ACK ACK!


  1. Beautiful! I'm so looking forward to the pattern.

  2. I love these! Can't wait for the pattern! :)

  3. OMG!!! These are striking and gorgeous... love the stitching too!!

    1. Michele, thanks so much. The embroidery is my favorite...after it's done.

  4. That photo was worth waiting for... they're gorgeous!

    1. Aw, thanks, Grandma G! I'm so happy to have a fully functioning Mac again.

  5. the colors you picked are beautiful! glad you are back up and running!

    1. Thanks, Jessica! I am always so drawn to that color combo. Merry Christmas to you! Love to everyone!

  6. This is wonderful, as ever. (My desire for the pattern goes without saying.) I have given up (mostly) on getting stuff made for people this year. I'm still working on the kids' ornaments which I can hopefully wrap up this weekend (one is almost done and the other 2 I have all the pieces cut out). I want to do so much more but there just isn't time!! Maybe if I can get my kids to agree to nap for a full day I could get some more stuff done?

    1. Hey, Skooks, don't give up. NEVER GIVE UP. Haha. This is what I tell myself at 2 am on Christmas Eve. I really wish they would take the first week of January and just add it on the beginning of Dec.

  7. If you could release it before next Christmas that would give us mmmakers a chance to have some finished products available. (hint, hint, nudge, nudge)

    1. haha, MooMama. Hint taken! I really don't want to wait, so I was thinking maybe February or March. That should give you plenty o time, yes?

  8. Wow, those colors are gasp worthy! Or is that Photoshop? ;) So pretty. My tree theme, btw, is An Ode to Mmmcrafts. Especially since I didn't bring all of my mom's painted ornaments down here. Another felt plus - nonbreakable. I've gotten lots of compliments!

    1. I think it was the bright lighting! Thanks! Also I think I NEED a picture of the ode to mmmcrafts tree.

  9. Beautiful great color scheme would love this pattern.

    1. Hi, Lenore, thanks so much! The pattern is available in my shop:


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